Content & Copywriting For The Music Industry

E-commerce copywriting and content marketing are two of your brand’s most powerful tools. They offer exponential growth in brand awareness, sales conversions, and customer/social engagement. On top of that, they are the secret to search ranking success (SEO). I’ll show you how to maximize yours.

Most companies in the musical instrument (MI) and pro audio industries – large and small – already know this. You already know how effective an active blog can be. You watch as other companies climb the search ranking ladder ahead of you. You even know that sending just one marketing email a week can pay huge dividends to your bottom line.

But you don’t do it.


Copy and Content: The struggle is real

The way I see it, there are two key points why your copywriting and content can miss the mark. 

  1. You don’t have the time or resources
  2. You don’t know have the necessary writing skills

1. You don’t have the time or resources

Let me know if this sounds familiar…

  • As someone with a million other things on your plate, you find copywriting and content creation frustrating, busy work but a necessary evil.
  • You’re tired of compromising between good writers and writers who understand you, your products, and your customers. 
  • You’ve spent too much time and money writing your own copy and content without any return on the investment.
  • You eventually fell behind. You abandoned the blog, the social media posts dried up, and your email list stopped hearing from you.

You’re not alone. Keeping up with content takes serious commitment. It takes a lot of time, money, and training. 

This brings us to the second reason.

2. You don’t have the necessary writing skills

These days, not only is copy and content a must, but you have to know how to do it. There is simply no room for bad content.  

That said, bad content plagues the music business. From weak email subject lines to word-heavy web copy, ineffective writing holds music companies back. It’s plagued by promoting features over benefits. General marketing-speak misses their music-based consumers. Worst yet, much of the copy is an afterthought in the brand’s overall marketing strategy. Again, sound familiar?

We live in a complicated, digital world. Your marketing is beholden to the rules and algorithms set forth by search engines, web hosts, and the new purchasing habits that accompany them. Your copywriting and content must follow suit.

Thankfully, it’s easier than ever to make a change. Read on, and I’ll show you how.

The New Rockstar copywriting & content writing services

I founded The New Rockstar for managers and business owners like you. I’ve honed my DTC, B2C, and B2B e-commerce copywriter and content creation services to save you a ton of time and money while optimizing your marketing. And thanks to my music industry specialization, I’m uniquely capable of reaching your customers while catapulting your brand to the forefront.

From copywriting websites and product pages to press releases, copywriting emails, and blog posts, I do it all. My work with companies such as Premier Guitar, Reverb, and RainSong Guitars regularly achieves front-page, featured articles, top-rated content, and wildly successful product launches. It’s what I do, and I’m passionate about it.

Why me?

Look, I know there are plenty of copywriters that want your business. You may even have a staff copywriting team. So why would you work with me? 

To paraphrase a bit of brilliant marketing, I’m not only a marketer in the music industry, but I’m also a client.

paul kobylensky | guitar | concert | the new rockstar

As a lifelong, professional musician, I’m as addicted to music gear as anyone. From my teenage years pouring over gear ads to decades using your products on stage and in the recording studio, I’ve learned my stuff. I’m also a veteran of the MI and audio industries with nearly two decades of working and writing for brands such as Sweetwater, Mackie, Warmoth Guitar Products, and Seymour Duncan

I can play guitar and write a print ad. 

I’m a recording artist and can compose a landing page. 

In summary, no writers know your brand, products, and customers like me. 

Let’s optimize your marketing efforts

As I said, I’m a musician and gear nerd first. I’m genuinely excited about what you bring to the table. Therefore, your success is my success. I also know that, without help, writing winning copy and content can be a time-consuming and frustrating process. I want to help.

So what am I offering?

I’m offering you the chance to optimize your marketing while saving time, money, and a lot of stress. All you have to do is click the button below and I’ll show you how fast, affordable, and powerful getting great copy and content can be.

I’ll look forward to hearing from you.

~ Paul Kobylensky

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